Now Playing #7


If you’ve been reading along with these updates, you know that most of the games I review are ones I buy myself. Of course, from time to time, I’ll get review copies sent my way from the developers. Toukiden is not one of those review copies. Instead, it has proven to be a real distraction. I am supposed to be playing Danganronpa, Sorcery Saga, or Lone Survivor (All of which I enjoy), but since Toukiden has found its way into my Vita, I haven’t been able to focus on those other games. I am really enjoying this game immensely. Toukiden has really been scratching a certain itch; and itch that Soul Sacrifice just wasn’t able to reach.

There are so many things I enjoy about the game that just feel right. Some are even better than Monster Hunter. For one, the combat flows so well. Unlike Soul Sacrifice, it is heavily melee oriented which is something I enjoy a great deal. The auto-targeting doesn’t become a crutch like it does in Soul Sacrifice. In my review, I mentioned that the game was too easy, but I think a lot of that comes from having a crew of NPCs tagging along. When I tackled some missions alone, I was still able to take down the monsters easily, but I wasn’t able to break all of the parts and get the full reward on later missions. It becomes more difficult to purify the broken parts when you’re the only target the monster is chasing. It also takes longer without help. While I feel that Soul Sacrifice is also really easy, it does have what I would consider cheap deaths. I say that because there are a lot of times where you can’t dodge out of the way even when you’re out in the open simply because you can’t dash or roll between the massive harpy’s legs like you would expect from this type of game. There’s none of that in Toukiden. At times, you can get trapped between the monster and the wall, but as long as you watch your back, you won’t find yourself in that situation.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to. This week, I promise to get back to work. My mom is doing a lot better after having the tumor removed. She’s scheduled to go to rehabilitation and things are looking positive for now. At least there’s no immediate impending doom on the horizon, and I should be able to get some work done. Stay tuned if you care to.

Oh and I’ll give you the skinny on my review of Danganronpa right now. If you like games like 999, Virtue’s Last Reward, Sweet Fuse, or even Ace Attorney, you should go pick it up. The production values in the game are top-notch and the story is crazy good.


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