• Now Playing #7

    If you’ve been reading along with these updates, you know that most of the games I review are ones I buy myself. Of course, from time to time, I’ll get review copies sent my way from the developers. Toukiden is not one of those review copies. Instead, it has proven to be a real distraction. I am supposed to be playing Danganronpa, Sorcery Saga, or Lone Survivor (All of which I enjoy), but since Toukiden has found its way into my Vita, I haven’t been able to focus on those other games. I am really enjoying this game immensely. Toukiden has really been scratching a certain itch; and itch that…

  • Toukiden: Age Of Demons

    I almost didn’t pick this game up, judging by the screen shots. It looked like a bad Monster Hunter clone with an Eastern mythology skin slapped over the top. In a way, that’s exactly what it is, but it’s so pretty! It is so damned pretty! There is more to a game than just looks, but dammit if this game isn’t pretty. Let’s start with the similarities. Much of the town stuff has a very Monster Hunter feel to it. They seem to have copy/pasted the whole town/mission aspect. They even give you a Poogie of sorts that also functions like the Felyne on the boat in a Fox-like demon…