• The Future Of Tekken

    This has been on my mind for a while now, and doesn’t have very much to do with portable gaming. I don’t know where else to post this rather lengthy article. If you’re a Tekken fan, it may be worth a read. Please express your thoughts in the comments below.

  • Inafune’s Mighty No. 9

    Mega Man creator, Keiji Inafune left Capcom because they wouldn’t let him work on the Mega Man series. He offered to come aboard to help build new Mega Man games, but they refused. He hasn’t spoken to anyone from his former company in a long time. Now, he wants to create a new game that seems to be a spiritual successor, Mighty No. 9. The logo is quite suspicious and might need to be changed, but if you dig through the Kickstarter page, you can see that this isn’t just Mega Man Redux.

  • Nintendo To Distribute Special Torchic

    Copied from Nintendo’s Official Page: Starting on October 12th, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y players can get a special Torchic holding the Blazikenite, the Mega Stone needed for Blaziken’s Mega Evolution.

  • Road Not Taken Trailer

    I’ve never been very fond of the rogue-like genre, but this game has a certain charm about it that presses buttons in all the right order. It also helps that it’s not a traditional rogue-like in that it focuses heavily on puzzles. From the video, I gathered that puzzles are a part of the combat as well. Check out the video and see for yourself what the developers of TrippleTown have in store for the Vita and Playstation 4. Road Not Teken is scheduled to release early next year.

  • Nintendo Has Lost Their Minds

    So, this is a thing. It’s called the Nintendo 2DS and can do everything the Nintendo 3DS can except the 3D and close to protect the screens. I have lost all hope that Nintendo will ever get back to the Game Boy Advance days. I just…I’m flabbergasted, stunned, and bewildered by this announcement. Looking around, people who have had a hands on with it say that it’s comfortable, but come on! Look at it! It launches October 12th and will cost $130. When I first saw it, I considered it being something parents might get for their kids if it were $100, but I really hope nobody does as they’re…

  • Killzone Public Beta Today

    The Playstation Vita has struggled for over a year to gain a foothold in the Western market, but perhaps things are about to change. For starters, Sony dropped the price of the system and is gearing up for it’s first really decent first person shooter. While I don’t care much for these games, a lot of people in the US have been clamoring for a good FPS on a portable system for years. There have been good games over the years, but most were riddled with bad controls. This one looks to be the game that makes or breaks the Vita in the States. I really hope it turns heads…

  • Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl

    Wow! Big update on this title. First, there’s the trailer above. Next, we have this sweet official web page. Inside are some screenshots of new FOEs along with some juicy details for you wonderful people.

  • Ys: Memories of Celceta Silver Aniversary

    Celebrating over a quarter of a century of the timeless Ys series, the Ys: Memories of Celceta Silver Anniversary Edition will come packaged with a host of celebratory bonus items including a 3-CD collection of original and arranged music spanning the entire history of the franchise, as well as game-specific items such as a cloth map detailing the lands of Celceta, a logo-emblazoned compass, and‘Adol’s Travel Journal’ containing adventuring strategies and artwork, all within an exclusive commemorative package.  The Silver Anniversary Edition will carrya suggested retail price of $59.99, while the standard game will retail for $39.99.

  • Dragon’s Crown Patch Is Live

    Dragon’s Crown received some minor tweaks and fixes to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions this week to improve gameplay and stabilize network connectivity. We’re sorry if this caused you any inconvenience to your bashing, hacking, torching, slamming, and stabbing during dungeon crawls! Full patch notes inside.

  • Rune Factory 4 Wants You To Be Prepared

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqnH1ZJ8ELw&w=540&h=405] XSEED Games wants you to know exactly what this game is about. As such, they are releasing a series of “how to” videos to help new players get accustomed to it’s rather unique gameplay. The video above is the latest. Click “Read More” or visit our YouTube page to see the first video that takes a look at the farming portion of the game. Prior to seeing these videos, I didn’t care too much about this title, but now, I’m excited for it’s release.