• Now Playing #1

    In my last post, I said I would start to post little bits about what I’m playing right now. I think I also mentioned that I’ve been going hard in Pokémon. It’s a great game; the best in the series, actually. Still, from the start, I have been finding things that really upset me with the game. The number one offense is the sound. Even with my speakers turned down low or while using earphones, the chiptune win music makes my speakers or earphones rattle. I don’t like that sound as I usually associate it with bad speakers, but I know my earphones are good. It just sounds bad. I…

  • Nintendo To Distribute Special Torchic

    Copied from Nintendo’s Official Page: Starting on October 12th, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y players can get a special Torchic holding the Blazikenite, the Mega Stone needed for Blaziken’s Mega Evolution.

  • SNK VS Capcom: Card Fighters’ Clash

    Back when the Neo Geo Pocket Color was new (if you had it), you had to have two games to recognize its greatness: SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium & SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters’ Clash. This game stands out from most NGPC titles, mainly because it isn’t a fighter. But, don’t be fooled, it’s just as fast-paced as its relative, MoTM. Perhaps, even more so.