• Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX

    I didn’t want to like this game, going into it. ‘It’s too cutesy,’ I grumbled. ‘I have no prior knowledge of this series, save for a few random screenshots I’ve seen on Twitter and Facebook. How am I supposed to review this?’ Well, after spending a week or so with this game, I can admit that it has grown on me. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX is basically an enhanced version of Project Mirai 2. I am a total virgin where this series is concerned, but not to rhythm games in general. Elite Beat Agents is a personal favorite of mine, as is PaRappa the Rapper, and to a lesser…

  • Now Playing 9/6/2015

    My list of games to review keeps growing, but when it comes to Vita reviews, I’m kind of solo here. Jason is working on Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX and from what he tells me, it’s a real charmer. As for me, I’m playing way too many anime games. If you’re a fan of Japanese oddities, the Vita, like the PSP, really is a great system. I’m currently playing two separate games of Amnesia: Memories (One on Vita and one on Steam) because depending on the world you choose, the game’s story is VERY different. It really does warrant 4 separate plays, but I’m only doing the two for the…

  • Dungeon Travelers 2

    Dungeon crawlers and I have had a strange relationship. If you’ve seen previous reviews of mine, I have a special fondness for a game called Mazes of Fate that released on the Game Boy Color. It just gave you so much freedom to explore beyond just moving around in the dungeons. While Dungeon Travelers 2 does have random battles (I like when I can see the enemies on screen), it also has a fairly detailed story. Unfortunately that story, and the rest of the game, is blanketed with scantily clad girls. It’s a huge Japanese thing, and a part of me enjoys it to no end, but the rest of…

  • Now Playing 8/14/2015

    Wow! Where to start? Well, I’m currently playing Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal. It’s a mouthful, and it’s pretty topped off with fan service. It’s mostly tasteful, but the first full screen image you see after going through the introduction is this: That should give you an idea of what you’re in for as far as the fan service goes. Atlus sent me a mini-FAQ about the censoring of this game. I was going to paraphrase, but I’ll just copy and paste it here for you. 1) Is this game censored? We prefer the term edited. We worked closely with the ESRB to determine what…

  • Now Playing 7/29/2015

    For the first time in forever, I managed to have a review done and ready on release day! I’m feeling quite accomplished in that fact. It helps that I had plenty of time with the game before it’s release, but even more that the game was good. I’m talking about you, Lost Dimension. Well, for every good, there is a bad. Considering I spent so much time with Lost Dimension, I was unable to get my BlazBlue review up on time. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. The game, oddly enough, is devoid of the story mode. I thought it was quite odd and was going to mark it…

  • Lost Dimension

    Lost Dimension is very good for different reasons you might find in most SRPGs. For starters, the strategy is there, but it’s not exceptionally difficult. You just need to win in a timely fashion to get that S rank that earns you free gear (usually potions and shit). Your allies can die, but allowing them to fall in combat might alter their opinion of you. The main draw to the game is the Danganronpa aspect. The story has your characters, special individuals with unique powers, trapped in a tower that is believed to have been created by a psychopath that calls himself “The End”. When you get to a certain…

  • Now Playing 7/20/2015

    So, I’m sitting on this review for Lost Dimension, but I can’t release it for another week or so. While looking through my old emails, I realized that I never released (or finalized) my Senran Kagura review. I was also sent Senran Kagura Bon Appetite, but I was never able to get into it. For that, I apologize. I will post my Senran Kagura review very soon. Again, I’m sorry for taking so long. So, aside from boning up on Senran Kagura (pun intended), what am I playing? Well, for one, I’m replaying Lost Dimension because I want to see how different it plays a second time through. Well, Rollers…

  • Now Playing 7/12/2015

    I just got back from an all night LAN at GameOn LAN. I’m a PC gamer, but not really a LAN gamer. The owner, Josh, let’s our fighting game crew piggy back on the PC LAN parties for a much cheaper fee since we bring our own setups and gear and it’s just money he wouldn’t be making if we weren’t there. Anyway, always a blast going to these things, and I just wanted to send a shout out to Josh and the crew at GameOn for supporting us the way he has. If you find yourself in the Buffalo, NY area, I highly recommend hitting this place up. Here’s…

  • Mind=0 (Mind Zero)

    Mind=0 is has a fairly decent battle system, but quite the lackluster story. My original review of Mind=0 was absolute trash and I apologize for that. I actually confused it with a different game that I couldn’t even be bothered to finish. Please forgive my insolence. So, in these games, I have always wanted to be more compelled to crawl forth in these dungeons, but I’ve been instructed that these games aren’t as much about the story as they are about the challenge and the battle system. If that’s the case, and you love this genre, the battle system in Mind=0 is one of the more entertaining ones I’ve seen…

  • Now Playing 6/28/2015

    Last week was the final week of school before summer vacation. It feels great to be free. Last week, I also got a review copy of Lost Dimension. My first impressions were…mixed. I can’t stand the character design for any of the characters. They have a seriously “budget” vibe going on, but once I got past that initial reaction, I was introduced to a very good strategy RPG. It’s as though they combined Danganronpa’s “catch the killer” vibe with Natural Doctrine’s combat system and a sterile white dystopian future aesthetic similar to Freedom Wars. When I say that it’s like Natural Doctrine, I mean that in the best possible way.…