• Superbeat: XONiC

    I played this game back on the Vita, and I found it amazingly easy to pick up and play a song or three. The fact that there’s no story mode or campaign mode means that you play much like you would play DDR or PUI in that you select a mode, pick a song, and have at it. If you fail, game over. If you succeed, you move on to the next song. After 3 songs, you get graded on performance overall and rack in your experience and hopefully unlock some more songs, modes, DJ icons, and other things. As such, the game might seem incredibly short or shallow, but…

  • Persona 4 Dancing All Night

    Well, damn! I was not expecting to enjoy this game as much as I did. If you’re a fan of the Persona 4 characters and their story, just go out and buy it and jump feet first into the story mode. Rise Kujikawa has a new voice actress, and it has spurred a lot of stupid discussions in online forums. Basically, Laura Bailey (who played an awesome Rise and does great voicework for many projects) had a scheduling conflict and needed to be replaced. Is it a permanent switch? Who knows at this point? She’s an Atlus staple VA, and will be back for other roles for sure. My feeling…